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2014.9.12 - 2014.10.8


2014.9.12 - 10.8
Opening Reception 9.12 (fri) 5-7pm


SANGHO SHIN has so far worked on innumerable pieces, challenging the limits of color and ceramic plate. Whenever Shin presented his new works, he also astonished viewers with diverse expressions in his fired paintings. In his recent work Surface ‘n beyond Shin conjoins a solid window frame with fired painting. He expands the possibility of an encounter of ceramics with architecture by adopting the window frame, an architectural material, for his work. The fired paintings on ceramic plates bring about a succinct atmosphere, as if paint filters into fabric, departing any from thick, stuffy color sensation. With these paintings Shin presents the possibility that works with high painterly quality can be installed not only in the inside of the venue, but outside, and these can be excellent building material.

The artist also addresses aesthetic issues and current topics he faces as an artist of the present, and as a member of society, moving beyond painterly composition and moderate color. He points out structured elitism and closeness in the art world, questioning viewers who feel his works with exquisite proportion and color beautiful and accept them as they are.

신상호 전

 1947년 서울태생인 작가 신상호씨(67)는 홍익대 미대 출신으로 모교의 미대 학장을 지낸 뒤 2005년 퇴임 후 왕성한 작품세계로 대중과 끝임없이 호흡하고 있습니다. '한국 현대 도예 예술의 선구자'로도 불리는 작가는 이미 지난 달 '신상호 설치전 - 사물의 추이'전이 사간동 금호미술관에서 열리고 있습니다. 지난 50년간 생활 도자에서 평면, 조형, 건축 등으로 장르를 넘나들며 작업의 영역을 꾸준히 확장해 온 작가는 이번 예화랑 전시 기자간담회에서 좀더 본인의 다양한 전시작품들과 관련한 내용을 확고히 밝힐 예정입니다.
 신상호는 색과 도판의 질감이 가지는 한계에 도전하며 그 동안 무수한 작업을 펼쳐왔습니다. 매번 새로운 작품을 선보일 때마다 불에서 구운 그림의 다채로운 표현으로 사람들을 놀라게 한 것도 사실입니다. 그의 최근작인 ‘Surface ‘n beyond’는 오랜 세월 사용된 견고한 창틀과 Fired Painting을 결합한 작품입니다. 건축소재인 창틀을 작품에 이용함으로써 신상호선생님은 도자와 건축의 만남의 가능성의 문을 더욱 확장합니다. 부착된 Fired Painting 도판들은 텁텁하고 두꺼운 색감에서 벗어나 마치 섬유 위에 물감이 얇게 스며든 것 같은 간결한 분위기를 연출하고 이를 통해 작가 신상호는 높은 회화성을 지니는 작품이 전시장의 내부뿐 아니라 외부, 즉 바깥에 설치할 수 있는 그림으로 자리매김하고 나아가서는 훌륭한 건축소재가 될 수 있다는 가능성을 1차적으로 제시하는 흥미로운 작업들을 예화랑 전시기획의 주요 테마로 선정했습니다. 
 또한 작가는 표면상 보여지는 회화적 구도와 절제된 색감을 넘어 현시대를 사는 예술가이자 사회의 일원으로서 맞닥뜨리는 미학적 문제와 시사적 주제를 다루고 있음은 부정할 수가 없습니다. 비례와 색감이 빼어난 이 작품들을 아름답다고 느끼는 관객에게 과연, 순수하게 작품을 있는 그대로 받아들이고 있는지 질문을 던짐으로써 순수미술계의 구조화된 엘리트주의와 폐쇄성을 지적하기도 합니다.


Born in Seoul, Korea, 1947

1976 M.F.A. Dept. College of Fine Arts Graduate School of Hong-Ik University, Seoul, Korea

1973 B.F.A. Dept. College of Craft Design of Hong-Ik University, Seoul, Korea



2006-2008 Director, Clayarch Gimhae Museum & Curator, International Main Exhibition, Gimhae, Korea

1981-2008 Professor, College of Fine Arts, Hong-Ik University, Seoul

2005       A member of Jury, The International Ceramics Festival ′05 MINO, Japan

2002-2004 Dean, Graduate School of Industrial Arts, Hong-Ik University, Seoul

2003       A member of Jury, The 2nd World Ceramic Biennale 2003 Korea

1998-2002 Dean, College of Fine Arts, Hong-Ik University, Seoul

1999-2001 A member of organizing committee, The World Ceramic Exposition & A curator of The World Contemporary Ceramics, Korea

1995-1999 Guest professor, Kurashiki University of Science and The Arts, Japan

1995-1997 Invitation professor, Royal College of Art in London

1988    A member of Committee, The East and West Modern Ceramic Exhibition and International Workshop on '88 Seoul Olympic Games, Korea

  −      A director of Committee, The Traditional Korean Pottery Workshop and Exhibition on '88 Seoul Olympic Games, Korea

1884      Exchange professor, Central Conn. State University in U.S.A


○Solo Exhibition

2012 SHIN SANG HO : Final Fontier, Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea

2012 SHIN SANG HO : BYPRODUCT, DAEGUE Art Museum, Daegue, Korea

2011 SHIN SANG HO, DREAMS AND VARIATIONS, hpgrp gallery, New York.

2010 SHIN, SANG HO at the Grand Hyatt, Grad Hyatt, Seoul

2010 SHIN SANG HO - Architecture Ceramic Exploration, Boutique Monaco Museum, Seoul





1995 DONG-A Gallery, Seoul

1991 Art Gallery of CHOSUN Newspaper, Seoul

1987 SEOUL Gallery, PRESS CENTER, Seoul


○Group Exhibition

2014 Craft Festival : Warmth, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul

2013 Cheongju International Craft Biennale : Something Old Something New, Old Tobacco Processing Plant, Cheongju, Korea

2012 Kim Sanggu, Shin Sangho 「Beyond the dreams, Artistic Encounter」,                              Invitation Exhibition of IWTF : Woodprint & Ceramic, Olympic Park, Seoul

     - 「Ceramics Commune」, Artsonje, Seoul

2011 Art in Life, Life in Art, Sculpture Square, Singapore

     Picnic in Farm, Interalia Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2010 Change from Material into Art, Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea

2009 Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2009 Main Exhibition Ⅱ: Dissolving views, Cheongju, Korea

 - The Special Exhibition

2004 Seoul Arts Center Special Exhibition Ⅱ ‘Composition & Center’, Seoul Arts Center Hangaram Art Museum, Exhibition Hall 1, 2, 3, Seoul

2003 Inaugural Exhibition   

2001 The World Contemporary Ceramics, Icheon World Ceramic Center, Gyeonggi, Korea

1997 The Collection, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, U.S.A

1996 The Special Exhibition of Korean Collection, Victoria and Albert museum, London

 - Korea Collection, The British Museum, London

 - The International Ceramics Exhibition, Belgium

1995 'Quality․ Quantity․ Inspiration', National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea

1994 The Exhibition of Late Twentieth Century Ceramics from the Everson Collection, The National Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan

 - The NICAF ‘94, Yokohama, Japan



2002 Won The Order of Service Merit (Red Stripes)

1988 Won The Prime Minister Award

1979 Won The Ceramics Award of 'Gonggan' Arts Contest


○Report of Research

1995   Korean Contemporary Ceramics

1994 Traditional Ceramics - Look back and a view (30years of Korean Modern ceramics)

1993   Modern Ceramics art - Movement forward the future

1992   The Research of the Pottery Technique, South of America

1991   A comparative Study on Producing Technique of Korean ONGGI and Japanese Pottery

1990   The Terracotta Warriors and Horses at the Tomb of QIN SHI HUANG


○International Symposium

2006 A lecturer, The 1st

2004 A lecturer, The First Taiwan Ceramics Biennale 2004 Symposium & Workshop - International Competition and the Trend of Modern Ceramics, Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan

2003 A lecturer, The 2nd International ceramic Symposium "Creativity" Inspirations in Clay·Aspirations in Contemporary Ceramics(research paper), The 2nd World Ceramic Biennale 2003 Korea

 -   A lecturer, Oslo International Ceramics Symposium-2003


○Public Art Project


2013 Fired Painting

2013 Fired Painting

2009 Fired Painting

2008 Fired Painting




2000 Central City Terminal Mural

1992, 1996-1998



2009 Lowe Art Museum, Florida, U.S.A

2005 Pratt sculpture garden, New York, U.S.A

2001 World Ceramic Exposition Foundation Icheon World Ceramic Center, Gyeonggi, Korea

1997 The National Ceramic museum, Sèvres, Paris

1996 Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu, Japan

1996 Royal Marimont Museum, Brussel, Belgium

1992 Royal Ontario Museum, Ontario, Canada

1992 National British Museum, London

1992 Victoria and Albert Museum, London

1992 HOAM Museum in Yong-in, Korea 

1987 Cleveland Museum of Arts in Cleveland, U.S.A

1986 The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea

1985 Museum of Korea University, Seoul

1980 Everson Museum in Syracuse, U.S.A



Professor Emeritus, Fine Arts Hong-Ik University, Seoul, Korea

A member of International Academy of Ceramics (I.A.C)

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