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2009_Insun Choi



2009.10.29 - 2009.11.26


A Field of the Infinitesimals 

Choi Insun intends to mark this invitational Solo Exhibition sponsored gy Hakgojae featuring his recent works as another new turning - point in his journey as an artist by moving beyond his 2005 Seo Award Exhibition. Starting from his 'Period of Properties' (1985-1995) and then having undergone the subsequent 'Period of Signs' (1996-2007) Choi suggests that he has now reached to another turning-point 

It is necessary to pay attention to Choi's past divergences in order to discuss by what standard and on what basis should this Exhibition be marked as another turning-point for Choi. If Choi had made an attempt to attain to the utmost extremity, called 'perpetual substance,' by dematerializing the materials during the period of properties, he further strived to search for 'a point where painting starts' by investigating the social ties between language and human beings during the following Period of signs. While observing his child use their bodies to learn language, he confirmed his argument of language-body relation: Choi produced Haan’s Linguistics in 2001, followed by Language Being Produced in 2003 and Readable Painting in 2005

 What Choi attempted to explore during the ‘ Period of properties’ and ‘Period of Signs’ was to inquire him of the painterly terms as materials and the painterly terms as icons / letters. The former inquiry had an emphasis on determining the boundary of painting itself by defining the material limit of a plane, whereas the latter had an intent of redefining painting among ‘ the others’ Which was a departure from the boundary of materials. Having the first inquiry as his starting point and the latter as his first turning-point, Choi has come to this present point. The essence of his two previous was in defining the boundaries of the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’ of paintings respectively.

 What needs to be considered now is what discernible factors have I uncovered to mark this Exhibition as Choi’s second turning-point. To begin with the preliminary steps of introduction, I suggest the viewers to look into some of the issues Choi himself raised in his 2005 Exhibition titled ‘The Windows of Perception’. In fact Choi’s last Exhibition while remaining on the horizon of extension of his past, served him as a transitional period, during which the artist sought to intergrate the two elements of the properties and the body, and of body and signs. We should know that Choi sought to find a resolution by allowing his own existence to be immanent with the properties and body, with body and signs, and by incorporating them all together. Choi’s works, The Windows of Perception and We Are the mosaics, had in mind the intergration of paintings and other genres

Strictly speaking, choi’s approach to integration displays his keen interest in the mutual interrelationships of the properties and body, and of body and signs, rather than focusing on the absolute values each one contains individually. To state more accurately, Choi sought to intergrate the both, rater than paying attention to each one of properties and body, and of body and signs. Choi writes in his Artist’s Statement of 2005

Kim Bokyoung ( Art Critic, Former prof. at Hong-ik Univ )


2009년 10월 29일(목) - 2009년 11월 26일(목)

전시장소 : 예화랑_강남구 신사동 532-9 가로수 길

초대일시 : 2009년 10월 29일(목) 오후 5시

녹색가을하늘이아름다운이계절, 저희예화랑에서는 10월29일부터 11월 26일까지최인선선생님의(1964년생) 초대전을마련하였습니다. 홍익대미대회화과및同대학원수학후미국으로건너가뉴욕주립대학교를졸업한작가는현재홍익대학교회화과교수로재직중입니다. ’92년중앙미술대전대상, ’94년국전우수상, ’96년한국일보청년작가전대상, 2002년문화관광부장관상, 2003년하종현미술상등을수상경력을비롯, 오랫동안국내뿐아니라국제적인명성을구축해온작가입니다. 언제나끊임없이연구하는자세로변화의속도를늦추지않는선생님의작업은제1기(1989-1995):물성의시대, 제2(1996년-2002년):기호의시대를지나현재진행중인제3기로나누어볼수있습니다. 이번작품들은이전화면의연장선에있는유화작업들입니다. 활기에가득찬화면위로개체의성격에서해체또는구성되고자유롭게조합되어진붓질감들로캔버스화면위를가득메우고있습니다. 지금까지수평과수직으로만들어진색면의조합이었다면이번예화랑전시의작업들은한층진화된 ‘풍경적추상’을보여줍니다. 미세한층위를이루며흔적을드러내는화면에는절묘한조화를이루는공간이자리합니다. ‘미술관실내 (Museum Interior)’란작품에서알수있듯이사실적인구상의세계를그대로캔버스에끌어들여수직, 수평의계층을넘나들며보다더자유로운구조체를형성하며현실의형태를확연히보여줍니다. 세련된색채의빛을입은이미지들은강렬하고도거침없이캔버스위를미끄러지듯질주합니다. 이렇듯이번초대전은관람자에게추상적단위는가시적세계라는공간위에위치함으로써현실세계에놓인하나의사실적오브제가된다는것과현실세계의조형적아름다움을위해추상의시선으로끌어들여그일부가되게한다는것에주목해야합니다. 이모두는최인선선생님만의논리적인사고가담긴작품들을통해서만얻는또다른경험이될것입니다.

Insun Choi (b.1964)

1986       B.F.A., Painting, Hong-Ik University, Seoul, Korea

1990       M.F.A. Painting, Hong-Ik University, Seoul, Korea

1997       M.F.A. Painting, State University of New York, USA


Professor, Painting Dept., Hong-Ik University, Seoul, Korea


Solo Exhibitions

2008       Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2007       The Firehouse Gallery, New York, USA

2006       Art Bank Gallery, New Jersey, USA

-            Jin Art Gallery, Paju, Korea

2005       Woong Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            Seo Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2004       Gallery Noh, Seoul, Korea

2003       Albert Shahinian Gallery , New York, USA

-            Heidi Cho Gallery, New York, USA

-            Dorothy Young Center for the Arts, New Jersey, USA

2001       Kumho Museum, Seoul, Korea

-            Woong Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            Seoshin Gallery, Jeonju, Korea

2000       Seohwa Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            Yeh Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            ARTINUS Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            Kungdong Gallery, Gwangju, Korea

1998       Water Mark/ Cargo Gallery, New York, USA

-            Unison Gallery, New York, USA

1997       Arario Gallery, Cheonan, Korea

-            Invitational Solo Exhibition of Grand Prize Awarded

-            Artist in HanKook Ilbo Preview of Young Artist

-            Baiksang Memorial Center, Seoul, Korea

-            SUNY College Art Gallery, New York, USA

1996       Arario Gallery, Chunan, Korea

-            Seoul Arts Center (sponsored by Yeh Gallery), Seoul, Korea

1995       Yeh Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            Galerie Bhak, Seoul, Korea

1994       Gallery Ihn, Seoul, Korea

1993       Gallery Agbae, Gwangju, Korea

-            Seoul Arts Center (sponsored by Gallery Ihn), Seoul, Korea

-            Gallery Four Seasons, Seoul, Korea

1991       Gallery Choi, Seoul, Korea

-            M.F.A. Thesis Exhibition, Hong-Ik University Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea

1990       Gallery 2000, Seoul, Korea

1989       Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul, Korea



Group Exhibitions

2009       SOAF 'Seoul open art fair', Gallery YEH, seoul
2008       Collectors Choice, GalleryYEH, seoul
-            Singapore art fair , GalleryYEH, seoul

2004       Korean paintng, yesterday and today, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul

-            Open the window of perception, Rho Gallery, Seoul

2002       Lost of Balance, Gallery Sejul, Seoul

2001       Korean Art 2001; The Reinstatement of Painting National Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwachon

2000       The 42nd Exhibition of the Origin Painting Association : Origin 2000-Good Morning

Gallery Sang, Seoul, Korea

1999       The 19th Fine Arts Professor’s Works Exhibition, Gallery at An-Dong National University, An-Dong

-            The 27th Members Exhibition of the Hong-Ik Printmakers Association, Gallery Sang, Seoul, Korea

-            Special Exhibition by Winners of JoongAng Fine Arts Awards Sponsored by JoongAng Daily News, SamSung Museum and Samsung Co.

1998       Carrie Haddad Gallery, New York

-            The Abstract-the Real-the Abstract, WooDuk Gallery, Seoul, Korea

1997       The 3rd HanKook Ilbo Preview of Young Artist Exhibition, BaikSang Memorial Center,

Seoul, Korea

-            Selected Exhibition College Art Gallery at SUNY, New Paltz, New York

-            Korean Fine Arts Award’s Grand Prize Artists Exhibition, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea

1996       96’ Seoul Art Fair

-            Fine Arts Museum in Art Center, Seoul, Korea

-            Sponsored by Korea Gallery Association Sum-Sung Cultural Foundation,

the Ministry of culture and sports.

-            The 2nd Hankook Ilbo Preview of Young Artists Exhibition, Fine Art Center, Seoul

-            Thinking, Kleinert/James Art Center, New York

1995       50 Years of Korean Contemporary Art(1945-1995), Seoul Gallery, Seoul

             Sponsored by Seoul Daily News

-            95’ New Waves of Eastern and Western Paintings, Hyundai Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            Duck-Hyun Cho, Ju-Ri Whang, You-Hyun Kwoun,, In-Sun Choi- Four Artists’ Cubism Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            Korean Young Artists of Today, The Museum of Art, Chosun University, Kwang-Ju

1994       Korean Art I_Monochromes after ‘the Monochromes’, WhanKi Museum, Seoul, Korea

-            The 19th Ecole de Seoul, Hwan-Hoon Gallery, Seoul

-            Contemporary Art of New Wave, Fine Art Center, Seoul, Korea

-            The 36th Exhibition of the Origin Painting Association, Walker Hill Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            Examining and Searching for Contemporary

1993       The 22nd Exhibition of Hong-Ik Printmakers Association, Korean Culture & Arts Foundation, Fine Art Center, Seoul, Korea

-            The 18th Ecole de Seoul, KwanHoon Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-            The 12th International Exchange Exhibition of Prints in Seoul, 1993

-            Japan, China, Poland, Slovenia, USA, Korea, Korean Culture & Art Foundation, Fine Art Center, Seoul, Korea

-            Exhibition of the Origin Painting Association, Kwang-Ju City Museum, Kwang-Ju

-            93’ Seoul Art Fair held by Gallery Association of Korea, Art Center, Seoul, Korea

-            The Forty Years of Korean Contemporary Printmaking, National Museum of Modern Art, Kwachon, Korea

1992       The 17th Ecole do Seoul, Kwan_Hoon Gallery, Seoul

-            The 34th Exhibition of the Origin Painting Association, Kwan_Hoon Gallery and Dukwon Museum, Seoul, Korea

-            The 29th Exhibition of Korean Contemporary Printmakers Association, Fine Art Center, Korean Culture & Arts Foundation, Seoul, Korea

-            The Great Exhibition of Seoul Contemporary Printing, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea

-            The 20th Exhibition of Hong-Ik Printmakers Association, Dukwon Museum of Art, Seoul

-            92’ Contemporary Prints Exhibition, Sagak Gallery, Seoul

1991       91’ Cross Section of Contemporary Art-Five Critical Visions, After the Anti-Illusionism Fine Art Center, Korean Culture & Arts Foundation, Seoul, Korea

-            11th Exhibition of Korean Contemporary Prints Public Subscription, Total Museum

-            The 2nd Term Foundation Exhibition of Seoul Contemporary Art Festival, Fine Art Center,      
              Korea Culture & Arts Foundation, Seoul, Korea

-            The 33rd Exhibition of Origin Painting Association, Fine Art Center, Korea Foundation, Seoul, Korean Culture & Arts

-            Korean Contemporary Painting, Today and Tomorrow of 91’ , Walker Hill Gallery, Seoul

1990       The 18th Exhibition of Hong-Ik Printmakers Association, Fine Art Center, Seoul

-            The 16th Seoul Contemporary Art Festival, Fine Art Center, Korean Culture & Arts Foundation, Seoul, Korea

-            The 27th Exhibition of Korean Contemporary Printmakers Association, Fine Art Center, Korean Culture & Arts Foundation, Seoul, Korea

-            Art, the Presentiment of the New Communication System Exhibition for the Seminar and Scholarly Forum, Kwan_Hoon Museum, Seoul, Korea

1989       89’ International Exchange Exhibition of Prints, Fine Art Center, Korean Culture & Arts

Foundation, Seoul, Korea

-            The 89’ US-Korea Print Exchange Exhibition, Korean Cultural Service, LA

-            Korean Kmbassy Cultural Center, Paris

1988       The 16th Exhibition of Hong-Ik Printmakers Association, Kwan_Hoon Museum, Seoul

-            Korean Contemporary Prints, Sinsaigai Museum, Seoul. Sponsored by Korean Printmaking Association

1987       The 7th Korean Contemporary Prints Exhibiton, Batanggol Museum, Jang-Heung Sponsored by Korean Contemporary Printmaking Association

1985       The 5th Korean Contemporary Prints Exhibition Fine Arts Center, Seoul. Sponsored by Korean Arts Association, Korean Culture and Arts Foundation


Selected Awards

2005       The 1st Seo Leading Artist Award

2003       The 2nd Ha Chonhyun Art Award, Korea

2002       Today's Young Artist Award, Sponsored by Minister of Culture, Korea

1996       Grand Prize

The 2nd Hankook Ilbo Preview of Young Artist Sponsored by Hankook Daily News

1994       Excellent Prize (Grand Prize in Painting)

The 13th Grand Art Exhibition of Korea. Sponsored by Korea Fine Arts Association

1992       Grand Prize

The 15th JoongAng Fine Arts Competition

Sponsored by JoongAng Daily News & SamSung Art Foundation

1993       Special Prize

Grand Art Exhibition of Korea. Sponsored by Korea Fine Arts Association

1992       Special Prize

The Dong-Ah Art Festival. Sponsored by Dong-Ah daily News



The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea

Seoul Museum of Art, Korea

Gwangju Museum Art, Korea

Hoam Gallery, Korea

Hankook Ilbo, Korea

Kumho Asiana Cultural Foundation, Korea

Gwangju Prosecutors’ Office, Korea

Tower Palace, Korea

Star Tower, Korea

The Mauna Ocean Club House, Korea

Sigongsa, Korea

Paradise Hotel, Korea

홍익대학교 미술대학 회화과 및 동대학원 졸업
뉴욕주립대 대학원 회화과 졸업

현재 홍익대학교 교수



2008     학고재, 서울

2007      The firehouse Gallery, 뉴욕

2006       Art Bank Gallery, 뉴저지

-           진아트갤러리, 경기도

-          사라리아트갤러리, 경기도

-          Open Studio, 경기도

2005      웅갤러리, 서울

-          세오갤러리, 서울

2004     노화랑, 서울
2003      Dorothy Young Venter for the Arts, 미국뉴저지

-          Albert Shahinian Gallery, 미국뉴욕

-          Heidi Cho Gallery, 미국뉴욕

2002     세줄갤러리, 서울

2001     금호미술관

-          서신갤러리, 진주

2000     예화랑, 서울 
-         서화갤러리, 서울

-          아티누스갤러리, 서울

-         궁동갤러리, 광주

1998     Water Mark / Cargo Gallery, New York 
-          Unison Gallery, New York
1997     백상기념관대상수상기념초대개인전, 한국일보사주관, 서울
-         SUNY College Art Gallery, New York 
-         아라리오화랑, 천안

1995     예화랑, 서울 
-         박영덕화랑

1993     예술의전당. 인화랑주관, 서울

-          갤러리아그배, 광주

-          사계화랑, 서울
1991     최갤러리, 서울

-          홍익대학교전시실(석사학위청구), 서울
1990     갤러리 2000, 서울 
1989     관훈미술관, 서울


2004     한국의평면회화, 어제와오늘, 서울시립미술관

-         지각의창을열다, 노화랑

2002     갤러리세줄, 서울- 중심의상실展, 개관기념전 3부
2000     오리진회화협회전, 상갤러리

1999     홍익판화회전, 상갤러리


1992     제15회 중앙미술대전 대상수상, 국립현대미술관, 과천

1994     제13회 대한민국 미술대전 우수상 수상, 국립현대미술관, 과천

1996     제2회 한국일보 청년작가 초대전 대상수상, 예술의전당, 서울
2002     오늘의 젊은 예술가상

2003     하종현 미술상

2005     제1회 세오작가상


국립현대미술관,서울시립미술관,금호문화재단,뉴욕주립대학교(뉴욕),광주시립미술관,호암갤러리,타워팰리스,스타타워(Loan sstar korea),한국일보사,파라다이스호텔, 시공사, 남양유업마우나오션클럽하우스,광주고등검찰청사

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