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Kwangsung Park


“To have and To be – Between”

Kwangsung Park

  I do not paint to convey my stories but paint for communication with the world. The public want artists to represent issues and messages in an interesting manner. Artists work to meet public demand, exquisitely representing such things. Artists seriously consider Jean Paul Sartre’s existentialism, or praise Immanuel Kant’s decadence, advocating humanistic, liberal artistic thinking.

  My 2011 solo show in Germany was a turning point. The title was To have and to be – between. Here, ‘between’ means ‘emotion’, connoting ‘free will’. The black of a landscape is depicted like a background in a romanticist painting. A face with the closed eyes is portrayed with the face with open eyes. The body is also depicted as a background with a landscape. Focusing on visible elements in 21st century painting, my work regards romantic emotion of the mid-18th century. 

With my free will as light as feather I say, “My painting is more beautiful than my life!”

Jan. 2012


“소유와 존재 – 사이”

박 광 성


  나는 내 자신의 이야기를 하려고 그림을 그리지 않는다. 세상과의 소통을 위해서 그림을 그린다. 지금 이 문명 속 전개되는 모든 Issue나 Message를 대중은 화려하게, 그리고 재미있게 보여주기를 바라고 있다. 예술가들은 이런 대중의 욕구에 맞춰 작업하며 멋지게 작품화 시키고 있다. 샤르트르의 실존주의에 고민하고 칸트의 데카당스에 박수를 보내며 인본주의적 사고와 자유로운 예술적 사고를 옹호해왔다.

  나는 2011년 독일 전시(개인전)에서 새로운 변화를 주었다. 먼저, “To have and To be – Between”라는 타이틀로 바뀌었고 이 타이틀과 함께 작업의 구성도 변화를 주었다. Between의 의미는 Emotion이다. 이 Emotion은 “자유 의지”를 내포하는 나의 메시지 인 것이다. 그래서 풍경의 검은색은 Romanticism의 배경처럼 표현하였고, 눈을 감고 있는 얼굴은 눈을 뜬 얼굴로 그려졌다. 인체 또한 풍경과 함께 배경으로 구성하였다.

  21c의 Art가 눈에 보이는 시각적 요소에 집중하면서 상실해 가는 우리의 Emotion을 18c 중엽의 Romantic한 정서로 회귀하려는 것이다. 깃털처럼 가벼운 나의 자유 의지로 이렇게 터치해 본다.

“My painting is more beautiful than my life!”

Jan. 2012


1962 born in Seoul, South Korea

1991 – 2003 lives and works in Paris, France

Since 2003 lives and works in Essen, Germany, and Seoul, South Korea



1998 43e Salon d’ Art Contemporain de Montrouge/



SOLO Exhibitions


2006 GalerieBest, Seoul (Korea)

-    Galerie Klose, Essen (Germany)

2004 Galerie Klose, Essen (Germany)

-    KCAF, Bhak Gallery, Seoul Fine Art Center, Seoul (Korea)

2003 Juan Ruiz Galerie, Maracaibo (Venezuela)

-    Galerie Klose, Essen (Germany)

-    KCAF, Bhak Gallery, Seoul Fine Art Center, Seoul (Korea)

2002 Galerie Klose, Essen (Germany)

-    Florence Touber Galerie, Paris (France)

-    KCAF, Bhak Gallery, Seoul Fine Art Center, Seoul (Korea)

2001 Art Core Gallery, Toronto (Canada)

-    Galerie Art Correia, Hagen (Germany)

-    Florence Touber Galerie, Paris (France)

2000 Florence Touber Galerie, September, Paris (France)

-    Galerie Klose, Essen (Germany)

-    Florence Touber Galerie, March, Paris (France)

1999 Korean Culture Center at Paris, Paris (France)

-    “Best Artists Show” Seoul Art Fair, Seoul Art Center, Seoul (Korea)

-    Florence Touber Galerie, Paris (France)

1998 Le toit de la Grande Arche, Paris la Defense (France)

-    Chosun Art Gallery, Seoul (Korea)

-    Exhibition Hall St. Francois Xavier, Cormontreuil (France)

1996 Choi Gallery, Seoul (korea)

1995 Ju-Young Gallery, Seoul (Korea)

-    Yeha Gallery, Seoul (Korea)

1994 Madame Polla Gallery, Seoul (Korea)

1991 Battangol Gallery, Seoul (Korea)


Group Exhibitions

2007 “KIAF” Galerie Klose, Seoul COEX, Seoul

-    “FIA” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Caracas Hilton, Caracas

-    “Arte America” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Miami

-    “Acrossage – Show” Galerie Klose, Essen

2006 “SIPA” GalerieBest, Seoul Art Center, Seoul

-    “ArtBo” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Bogota

-    “Exhibition korean Group” GalerieBest, Seoul

-    “FIA” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Caracas Hilton, Caracas

-    “Positionen Kuenstlerischer Druckgrafik” Galerie Klose, Essen

-    “AAF” Huan Ruiz Galerie, New York

-    “Arte America” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Miami

-    “Art Miami” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Convention Center, Miami

2005  “AAF” Juan Ruiz Galerie, New York

-    “Exhibition Korean Group” GalerieBest, Seoul

-    “Art Chicago” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Chicago

-    “FIA”, Juan Ruiz Galeries Caracas Hilton, Caracas

-    “Art Miami” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Convention Center, Miami

-    “Arte America” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Miami

2004 “FIA” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Caracas Hilton, Caracas

-    Zeche Zollverein Triplez, Begegnung, Essen

-    “Art Miami” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Miami

-    “AAF” Juan Ruiz Galerie, New York

-    Hattingen, Stadtmuseum, Hattingen-Blankenstein

-    “Exploration of Light and Color” Seoul Fine Art Center, Seoul

-    “AAF” Juan Ruiz Galerie, New York

-    “FIA” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Caracas Hilton, Caracas

-    “Art Chicago” Art Core Gallery, Chicago

-    “Art San Francisco” Art Core Gallery, Juan Ruiz Galerie, San Francisco

-    “Art Frankfurt” Galerie Klose, Frankfurt

-    “Art Innsbruck” Galerie Klose, Innsbruck Messe, Innsbruck

-    “Kunst Koeln-Kunstmesse” Galerie Klose, Koeln Messe, Cologne

-    “To the Future, to the world” Bhak Gallery, Seoul

-    “Art Miami” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Miami

2002 “Art Basel-Miami Beach” Art Coe Gallery, Convention Center, Miami

-    “Artissima” Art Core Gallery, Turin

-    “Art Cologne” Art Core Gallery, Koeln Messe, Cologne

-    “Quartier” Galerie Klose, Essen

-    “FIA” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Caracas Hilton, Caracas

-    “Kunst Koeln-Kunstmesse” Galerie Klose, Koeln Messen, Cologne

-     “TIAF” Juan Ruiz Galerie, Convention Center, Toronto

-     “Art Innsbruck” Galerie Klose, Innsbruck Messe, Innsbruck

-     “Art Fiera Bologna” Art Core Gallery, Bologna

-     “Art Palm Beach” Art Core Gallery, Florida

2001  “Artissima” Art Core Gallery, Turin

-     “Avoir et Etre” Performance by the artist, kennedyplatz, Essen

-     “Quartier” Klose Gallery, Kennedyplatz, Essen

-     “Art Cologne” Art Art Core Gallery, Koln Messe, Cologne

-     “TIAF” Art Core Gallery, Convention center, Toronto

-     “Art Vienna” Galerie Klose, Wien Technisches Museum, Vienna

-     “Art Innsbruck” Galerie Klose, Innsbruck Messe, Innsbruck

2000  “Portrait et Paysage” Galerie Klose, Essen

-     “Art Cologne” Chosun Art Gallery, Koeln Messe, Cologne

-     “Differents – Pareils” Le Toit de la Grande Arche, Paris la Defense

-     “International Contemporary Art Festival” Pusan Art Center, Pusan

-     “Seoul Art Fair” Chosun Art Gallery, Seoul Fine Art Center, Seoul

-     “Chungdam Art Fair” Chosun Art Gallery, Seoul

-     “S.N.B.A” Carrousel du Loubvre, Paris

1999  “4 Artistes peintres” Florence Touber Galerie, Paris

-     “Art Cologne” Chosun Art Gallery, Koeln Messe, Cologne

-     “La situation d’ art des annees 1990” Ellen Kim Murphy Gallery, Seoul

-     “Bonjour 2000” Seoul Gallery, Seoul Press Center, Seoul

-     “Bonjour2000” City Library Exhibition Hall at Seogupho, Cheju

-     “NICAF” – TOKYO, Chosun Art Gallery, Tokyo

-     Kommunale Galerie, Berlin

-     “Seoul Art Fair” Chosun Art Gallery, Seoul Fin Art Center, Seoul

-     “Chungdam Art Fari” Chosun Art Gallery, Seoul

-     “Avant-Garde and Today” Chong Ro Gallery, Seoul

1995-1999 “Jeunes Peintres Coreens a Paris” Korean Culture Center at Paris

1998  “Asian Avant-Garde” Christie’s London

-     “Seoul Art Fair” Chosun Art Gallery, Seoul Fine Art Center,Seoul

-     “Chungdam Art Fair” Chosun Art Gallery, Seoul

-     Expo “Lyon” Bondy Palace, Lyon

-     “43e Salon de Montrouge” Nominated – the Grand Prix, Montrouge

-     “49e Salon de Jeune Peinture” Espace Eiffel Branly, Paris

-     “Novembre a vitry” Vitry City Gallery, Vitry

-     “18/99ego” Chung Ju Fine Arts Palace, Chung Ju

-     Cite Judiciaire, Le Mans

-     “7 Artistes Coreen” Espace Chateaneuf, Tours

1997  “D’Art du XXeme siecle Contemporarian (CIAC)”, Belgium

-      “Exposition -2 Personnes” Artsenal Exhibition Gall, Lssy les Moulineaux

-      “Regarde du monde” Le Toit de la Grande arche, Paris la Defense

-      Remoarts Gallery, Le mans

-      “42e Salon de Montrouge”,, Montrouge

-      “20 Artistes Pour la paix” Town Gallery, Bagneux

-      “Salon d’ Art Contemporain Bagneux” Municipal Gallery, Bagneux

-      Expo “5 Personnes”, Carel Royan, Royan

1996   “6e Festival Cour Saint Pierre”, Paris

-      “Jeunes Peintres Coreens a Paris” Dong Ah Gallery, Seoul

1995  “Le festival des Artistes Coreens en France” Eugene Napoleon Foundation, Paris

-      “Une autre Forme 95” Korean Cultural Center at Paris, Paris

-      “5e Festival Cour Saint Pierre”, Paris

-      “Les Peintres Coreens a Paris Area Gallery, Paris

1994   “Seoul-Paris Une Autre Forme” Lotte Gallery, Seoul

-      Point Rouge Gallery, Paris


Performances and Installations

1991   “Gestuell + Exterieur” Exhibition, L’ile de Nami, Nami

-      “Hiver – Daesungri” Exhibition, 115 Artists, Daesungri

-      “La Vue sur la Realite” Battanggol Gallery, Seoul

1990   “Evasion Pour Voir la Realite” Arts Museum at Chung Ju, Chung Ju

-      “Performance Pour Catharsis” Kyung Po Beach Park, Kyung Po

1989   “La Memoire du Chamanisme et de I’Humanisme” University of Seo

        Won, Chung ju

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