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David Rodríguez Caballero

다비드 로드리게스 카바예로 (b.1970)

  David Rodríguez Caballero (b. 1970), Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country (awarded in 1995), has lived in New York and Madrid since 2011. Rodríguez Caballero began his artistic career as a painter but moved on from the medium to explore his pervasive and dynamic fixation on the impact of light. As a sculptor, he folds aluminum, bronze, copper, or brass in order to create planes which capture light as a multiplicity of gradients. These metal works, whether freestanding or wall-mounted, engage with their surrounding space and utilize light as an essential material element. Light is a key element in his work: “I realized how important light was without knowing it, when I started with origami folding paper and painting with tones –explains the artist–. Depending on how many folds there are, chances will be more or less. For me, light is matter, not a spotlight that illuminates, it mixes with the material through the process of erosion and inclination of the planes. Similarly, shadow is part of light, the non-light. Through the curves and the folds, a tone is generated in my works, where the shaded parts can reach a black, an empty negative through the tone”.


  다비드 로드리게스 카바예로 스페인 바스크 대학에서 파인아트를 전공하였고, 이후 뉴욕과 스페인을 오가면서 작업을 하고 있다. 그는 처음에 색면회화 작업을 하였으나 이후 그의 작품 세계는 물질과 빛에 대한 연구와 함께 조각으로 이동한다. 조각가로서 그는 알루미늄과 적동 등 금속 판을 접어 만들어지는 면의 다양한 경사에 따른 빛을 보여주기 위한 작업을 하였다. 이 금속 작업을 세우거나 벽에 부착하면서 공간 안에서의 물질과 요소로서 다양하게 존재하는 빛이야말로 그의 작업의 테마라고 할 수 있다. “나는 빛에 대한 지식이 없더라도 그것이 얼마나 중요한지, 내가 색면회화를 하고 금속으로 종이접기(오리가미) 작업을 시작하면서 깨달았다. 면을 얼마나 접느냐에 따라 접을 수 있는 가능성은 더 늘어나거나 줄어든다. 나에게 있어 빛은 물질이며, 단순히 조명을 비추는 것이 아니라, 면이 접히면서 경사에 따라 빛이 점점 줄어들고 약해지며 물질과 섞이는 과정이다. 마찬가지로 그림자 또한 빛의 일부이지 빛이 없는 상태가 아니다. 접히는 면과 곡선을 통해 검게 그림자가 진 부분에서는 텅 빈 충만으로서 검은색의 풍부한 톤이 작품에 생겨난다.”


Solo Exhibition

-"Bondings", Aurora Vigil Escalera Gallery, GIJON
-"Alchemy in Motion", Marlborough Gallery, New York
-"Drawings and Sculptures", We Collect Gallery, LONDON
- David Rodríguez Caballero: "El pliegue sobre el pliegue"Esteban Vicente Museum, Segovia, SPAIN
- "Poetic Abstractions", Marlborough, MADRID
- "Danser la Sculpture", Espace Meyer Zafra, Paris, FRANCE
- Through Time, 26 july to 5 august, Aurora Vigil-Escalera Galery, Gijon, Asturias, SPAIN
- Citadelle, Ciudadela, Pamplona, Spain
- Vibraciones de la materia, Marlborough Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- Recent Work, Marlborough Gallery,  New York (USA)
-Esculturas en libertad
-Huerta de Félix Ortiz / Hay Festival / Segovia (SPAIN)
-De luces mixtas
-Marlborough Gallery / Madrid (SPAIN)
-"Re-flections" C-Art Gallery / Miami (USA)
-"Luz y geometría" Centro del Carmen, Valencia
-"Plier et Déplier" Marlborough Gallery, Montecarlo, Monaco
-"David Rodríguez Caballero. Recent Work" Marlborough Chelsea Gallery, New York, USA
-"David Rodríguez Caballero. Desarrollos: Ongoing pieces 2012-2012" Marlborough Gallery, Madrid


Group Exhibition
-"Detrás del Muro" XIII Bienal de La Habana Malecón, La Habana (CUBA)
-"Zona Maco" Marlborough Gallery (New York, Mexico)
-"Art Madrid" Aurora Vigil-Escalera Gallery, Gijón (ASTURIAS)
-"Summer Group Exhibition" Marlborough Gallery (New York)
-"Art Basel" Polígrafa Ediciones (MIAMI)
-"De la Mano" Solidary Project Cibeles Center // MADRID (SPAIN)
-Summer Group Exhibition Marlborough Gallery // News York (USA)
-ARCO´15 Marlborough New York Gallery // MADRID
-The Armory Show New York (USA)
-Espanish Sculpture // 20th - 21th centuries Marlborough Gallery // Madrid (SPAIN)
-"Present + Continu" Pep Llabres Gallery // Palma de Mallorca (SPAIN)
-Tres propuestas para un nuevo espacio Aurora Vigil-Escalera Gallery / Gijón (SPAIN)
-"De luces mixtas" Marlborough Gallery // Madrid (SPAIN)
-"Colectiva de invierno" Marlborough Gallery // Madrid (SPAIN)
-"Esculturas en libertad" Huerta de Féliz Ortiz // Hay Festival // Segovia (SPAIN)
-Art Basel 2014 // Miami Marlborough New York Gallery // Miami (USA)
-"Around the sculpture" Torralbenc Hotel // Menorca, Islas Baleares (SPAIN)
-Summer Group Marlborough Gallery // New York (USA)
-The Armory Show New York (USA)
-"Cita entre artistas" Marlborough Gallery, Barcelona
-"Itinerarios de una colección. Fundación Coca-Cola" Sala Vimcorsa, Córdoba
-TEFAF Maastricht Marlborough Fine Art. London. Netherlands.
-ARCO '14 Marlborough Gallery, Madrid
-Art Wynwood. International Contemporary Art Fair Miami, USA
-"The Armory Show" New York, USA
-"Colectiva de Escultura" Marlborough Gallery, Madrid
-"El XXI en 3D" Museo de Navarra, Pamplona
-"Summer Group Exhibition" Marlborough Gallery, New York, USA
-"De luces mixtas 2013" Marlborough Gallery, Madrid
-Art Basel Hong Kong Marlborough Gallery, Hong Kong, China
-Dallas Art Fair Marlborough Gallery, Dallas, Texas, USA
-"Contemporary Istambul" Marlborough Gallery, Istambul, Turkey
-ARCO '13 Marlborough Gallery, Madrid
-"Explorando el trazo. Obra sobre papel" Marlborough Gallery, Barcelona
-"Colectiva de Invierno" Marlborough Gallery, Madrid
-ARCO '12 Marlborough Gallery, Madrid
-"Exposition de groupe" Marlborough Gallery, Montecarlo, Monaco
-"Contemporary Istambul" Marlborough Gallery, Istambul, Turkey
-Art Rio '12 Brasil
-"Summer Group Exhibition" Marlborough Gallery, New York, USA
-"De luces mixtas II" Marlborough Gallery, Madrid

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